Thursday, April 22, 2010


I'm still planning for my WALK TO WASHINGTON FOR MOTHERS' RIGHTS, but my time frame has changed due to a lack of resources. All I need is good walking shoes and a place to sleep at night. I have taken care of the food and water issue and friends are donating all the sunscreen I need!

If I get the brakes and transmission repaired on my custom van I have someone who will drive it and follow me so I have a place to sleep at night, so, I guess all that's missing are the good walking shoes! :>)

I will be on my way soon my friends, and am inviting you to walk with me. Women everywhere in this country and around the world are losing their children to abusive men and to the system that takes them away and gives them to other people to raise. WHERE ARE MOTHERS' RIGHTS? We have been the backbone of this country and others, we have raised our families through abuse and without pay, we have sat in waiting rooms and stood in long lines to get help with food and medical care and now OUR CHILDREN ARE BEING GIVEN TO THE MEN WHO ABUSED AND NEGLECTED US by a CORRUPT COURTS SYSTEM THAT IS OUT OF CONTROL! This is what I'm fight against, and MOTHERS' RIGHTS are what I'm fighting for. PLEASE HELP ME, PLEASE JOIN ME and WALK TO WASHINGTON for MOTHERS' RIGHTS.


lonelynanna in florida
lovingnanna in florida


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